How A Fall On The Ice Messes Up Your Back And Hips But Saves Your Head
Slipping and falling on ice in the winter is a pretty common occurrence. Unless you live in a part of the country where there has never been any ice, you have probably had this painful experience at least once. What you may not know is that falling on ice messes with your body's alignment, and causes back problems too. A chiropractor will always ask about slip and fall accidents, as well as any other kind of trauma because these accidents all affect your back, spine and alignment.
Trouble With Back Pain? How Spinal Decompression Services May Help
If you have been suffering from back pain regularly, you know how hard it can be to keep it under control. Often, you need to take medications that can make you tired, fuzzy-brained, and not yourself. However, the relief from the pain is worth it. If the pain is due to a slipped or herniated disc, you may find relief with spinal decompression services. Here is a bit of information on the treatment.
Four Tips For Getting Adjusted To Breastfeeding
One of the most difficult things to get used to, especially for first-time moms, is breastfeeding. Luckily, you have time to get plenty of help you need during your hospital stay. Even if you had your baby at home, though, you still have access to plenty of resources if you are having trouble. Here are four tips to help you get adjusted to breastfeeding: Don't be Intimidated: Too often mom's feel that they are the only ones having trouble getting their baby's to latch.
3 Risk Factors For Developing Open Angle Glaucoma
One of the most common eye disorders is glaucoma. Of the two forms of glaucoma (open angle and angle closure) the more common form is an open angle. The risk factors are going to be different depending on the form of glaucoma. High blood pressure, for instance, is not a risk factor for angle closure glaucoma, yet it is a risk factor for open angle glaucoma. In fact, low blood pressure is a risk factor for angle closure.
Time To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? 3 Tips To Help You Through The Recovery
Wisdom teeth are no laughing matter, especially if they've become impacted – which means they don't have enough room to grow, or they're failing to break through the gum tissue. In either case, impacted wisdom teeth can be very painful, and will need to be removed. If you've been scheduled for oral surgery to have your wisdom teeth removed, you'll need to be prepared for the recovery period. Here are three tips that will help you get through the recovery period.