Oxygen Needs And Medical Flights - What You Need To Know
If you need to arrange a surgical operation outside of your state, then you have some options when it comes to transportation. While ambulances are sometimes utilized, they are not always appropriate if you need to travel hundreds of miles away. If you must travel a long distance, then a medical flight may be best. If you are currently using oxygen though, then you may not be able to take the oxygen tank with you.
How To Reduce The Scarring From A Bad Burn
After suffering from a major burn on your arm, you may be wondering what you can do to keep the scarring to a minimum. With burns, there are ways to reduce scarring; however, the size and looks of your scar will depend on how severe the burn was. The scar that remains will also depend on how well you care for the burn once it happens and over the next few weeks and months.
Nasal Polyps: What They Are And How You Can Treat Them At Home And Prevent Recurrences
If you suffer from nasal polyps, you probably have already experienced the frustration and miserable symptoms they can cause. A standard treatment option is surgery, but there are other options for healing nasal polyps, some of which involve the use of natural home remedies that cost little or next to nothing. Below is more information about nasal polyps as well as your at-home treatment options. How polyps are formed and develop
Addressing Two Liposuction Misconceptions
For patients that are dissatisfied with their appearance, it is important to note that cosmetic surgery can be a highly effective way of modifying the body's appearance. While there are many different cosmetic procedures that a patient could undergo, liposuction is often one of the more common procedures that patients request. Sadly, there are some common misconceptions about liposuction that may lead patients to be confused about what to expect. Making sure to understand the truth about the following couple of myths will help you to better evaluate whether this is a suitable option for your needs.
Rebuilding After Breast Cancer: 3 Things You Should Know About Reconstructive Surgery
Breast cancer is a debilitating disease that can affect women of all ages. Studies estimate that over 246,000 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016. Many of those women will require a mastectomy as part of the treatment plan. If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, and will be receiving a mastectomy, you need to know that reconstructive surgery can restore your breasts. If you're worried about insurance coverage, a law that went into effect in 1998 requires most insurance companies to pay for reconstructive surgery following a mastectomy.