Chiropractic Healing Works

Chiropractic Healing Works

  • Navigating the Significance of Health Equity 2-Hour CE Courses for Physician Associates

    Health equity plays a vital role in healthcare. It encompasses the principle of ensuring that every individual has an equal and just opportunity to achieve optimal health. This entails eliminating barriers to health, including poverty, discrimination, and their resulting effects. For physician associates, comprehending and advocating for health equity is not only a moral duty but also a professional imperative. Health Equity CE Courses: A Crucial Learning Curve Continuing Education (CE) courses on health equity provide physician associates with the knowledge and skills needed to address disparities in healthcare.

  • Everything You Need to Know About Colonoscopy Procedure

    A colonoscopy is a screening procedure used to examine the colon and rectum for any abnormal growths or cancerous tissues. This may sound daunting, but it is an incredibly important test for your overall health. This blog post will break down everything you need to know about the colonoscopy procedure so that you can be informed and prepared. Preparation Preparing for a colonoscopy begins a few days before the test. You will need to modify your diet by avoiding solid food and consuming only clear liquids, such as water and broth.

  • Navigating Heartburn Treatment: An Informative Guide

    Heartburn, an uncomfortable sensation of burning in the chest, is a common complaint. Often a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn can disrupt daily life and sleep. However, with the right understanding and approach, it's possible to manage this discomfort effectively.  Understanding Heartburn Heartburn happens when stomach acid flows back into the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach (esophagus). This reflux of acid can irritate the lining of the esophagus, resulting in a sensation of burning.

  • Common Conditions That May Require Podiatry Surgery: Understanding the Treatment Options

    Podiatric surgery is a specialized field that aims to treat and correct various foot and ankle conditions. When conservative treatments fail to provide relief, podiatrists may recommend surgical intervention. Here are some common conditions that may require podiatry surgery and provide insights into the available treatment options. Bunions These protruding bony growths form at the base of the big toe, often resulting in pain and distortion. In severe cases where non-surgical methods such as orthotics or physical therapy prove ineffective, podiatry surgery may be necessary.

  • Building Strength And Mobility As A Senior

    Aging is a natural and inevitable part of life. As you grow older, you might notice some gradual changes in your muscle mass and joint flexibility. If you want to grow your strength and mobility as you age, it's important to maintain an exercise program that focuses on strength and flexibility. Here are some ways to build a solid senior wellness routine. Understand the Importance of Strength and Mobility As people age, maintaining muscle strength and flexibility becomes crucial for various reasons.

About Me

Chiropractic Healing Works

I used to be skeptical about chiropractic healing. However, that was before I tried it for myself. I was in an accident that did serious damage to my back. I followed all of the doctor’s recommendations, did my physical therapy, and still didn’t feel any better. That was when I finally decided to try going to my friend’s chiropractor. It was such a relief when I finally started to feel better thanks to the great chiropractic care I received. That’s when I decided to start researching chiropractic care and how it could be used to treat different conditions. This blog contains the results of that research. If you’re looking for a way to feel better, you too may benefit from chiropractic healing. These articles will help you learn how.
